Tips for Better Windows

Just imagine living in a house with no windows. No natural sunlight, no view, and no natural heating in the summer. It would be like living in a cave. However necessary they may be, there is a downside to having windows. They account for about 10% to 25% of your heating bill by allowing heat to escape from your home during the colder months. In the summer, your air conditioner has to work extra hard to cool the hot air emanating from your windows. There are plenty of things you can do to make your windows more energy efficient.

One thing you can do in the summer months to ease the load on your A/C unit is to use shades and curtains to keep your windows from getting heated by the sun. You can also tape a clear plastic sheet over the inside of your windows to prevent heat loss. Installing exterior or interior storm windows also helps, and can reduce heat loss by as much as 50%. If you live in a home with single-pane windows, you may want to consider upgrading to double-pane. They are much more efficient and look just as good. If you live in a colder climate, it’s a good idea to get gas-filled windows because they are great at reducing heat loss. For warmer climates, you can buy spectrally selective windows that reduce heat gain.

Clear Window Restorations is a highly trusted company that specializes in Portland residential window replacement and restoration. Replacing old and worn windows can actually save you money over time in energy bills, and can also make your home a more comfortable place during any season.

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Tips for Better Windows
Just imagine living in a house with no windows. No natural sunlight, no view, and no natural heating in the summer.

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